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Exploring a wheat region

  1. Go to 2D:378720500-378780600 in Triticum aestivum (wheat).

  2. How many genes are in this region? What strand are the genes on? What are the gene IDs for these genes?

  3. What tracks can you see that show gene structure? Where did the different tracks come from?

  4. Export the genomic sequence for this region.

  5. Can you view the genomic alignments of the homoeologous regions? What are the different formats you can export the image as?

  1. Go to the Ensembl Plants homepage. Select Search: Triticum aestivum and type 2D:378720500-378780600 in the text box. Click Go.

  2. There are two genes displayed in the Genes track. They are both located on the reverse strand. The IDs are

  3. There are two tracks which have mapping to this gene: Genes and Alternative gene models. Click the track names for more information on their source.

  4. Click Export data in the left-hand menu. Leave the default parameters as they are. Click Next>. Click on Text. Note that the sequence has a header that provides information about the genome assembly, the chromosome, the start and end coordinates and the strand. For example:
    >2D dna:chromosome chromosome:IWGSC:2D:378720500:378780600:1

  5. Click on Polyploid view in the left hand menu to view the homoeologous regions. Click on Export image. This will open a pop-up menu of the different image formats you can export, which are PNG and PDF.