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Go to metazoa.ensembl.org.

Find the AGAP009734 (wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 1) gene in Anopheles gambiae (African malaria mosquito, PEST). Go to the Location tab.

(a) Click Synteny at the left. Are there any syntenic regions in Aedes aegypti (Yellow fever mosquito, LVP_AGWG)s? If so, which chromosomes are shown in this view?

(b) Stay in the Synteny view. Is there a homologue in Aedes aegypti (Yellow fever mosquito, LVP_AGWG) for Anopheles gambiae AGAP009734?

(a) Yes, there is one syntenic region in Aedes aegypti to Anopheles gambiae chromosome 3R, which is in the centre of this view. Aedes aegypti chromosomes 2 has a syntenic region to A. gambiae chromosome 3R.

(b) Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

There is a homologue AAEL000599 in Aedes aegypti of Anopheles gambiae AGAP009734.