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Exploring a region in Coprinopsis cinerea okayama

Go to Ensembl Fungi. Let’s try to find some information about the region from 1,400,000 to 1,425,000 in chromosome 7 in Coprinopsis cinerea okayama:

  1. How many complete genes are found in this region? How many on the forward and how many on the reverse strand?

  2. Zoom in on the largest gene EFI27358. How many exons does this gene have?

  3. Export the genomic sequence in FASTA format for this region.

  1. In the Ensembl Fungi homepage, select Coprinopsis cinerea okayama from the Species search drop-down. Enter 7:1400000-1425000 in the Search bar and click Go. This will send you to the Location tab. Your region of interest is indicated by a red rectangle in the 50kb view. Look at the Genes track: each block represents a different gene. Count the number of complete genes within the rectangle.

    There are 7 complete genes in the region.

  2. Look at the Region in detail view (the most detailed view at the bottom of the page). You can zoom into a region by clicking and dragging your mouse (you can change your mouse action in the top right-hand corner of the view under **Drag/Select) and selecting Jump to region in the pop-up menu. Count the number of blocks you can see for EFI27358.

    The EFI27358 gene has 23 exons.

    Click on the transcript ID CZT99117 in the transcript table.

    It has 4 exons.

  3. We want to export the genomic sequence for our original region (not just the EFI27358 gene). You can reset the view by entering 7:1400000-1425000 in the Location bar above the Region in detail view or hitting the Back button on your internet browser. Click on Export data in the left-hand panel. In the pop-up menu, select FASTA from the drop-down and click Next >. You can export the sequence as is (text) or as a compressed file (.gz).

    If you choose to download the sequence as text, your browser might open the FASTA file in a new tab. In this case, just right-click on any white space and select Save As… from the menu.