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Exploring the Coffee genome assembly

  1. What is the name of the coffee variety represented in Ensembl?

  2. Who produced this genome assembly and annotation?

  3. What is the length of the Coffea canephora genome assembly? How many coding genes are annotated across the genome?

Select Coffea canephora from the drop down species list, or click on View full list of all species, then choose Coffea canephora from the list to go to the species homepage.

  1. The coffee variety represented in Ensembl Plants is Coffea canephora (Robusta coffee). The Arabica coffee variety is not currently represented in Ensembl Plants.

Click on on More information and statistics.

  1. The AUK_PRJEB4211v1 _Coffea canephora assembly was submitted by Genoscope CEA.

  2. The genome is 568,611,505bp in length. There are 25,574 coding genes annotated across the genome.