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Exploring the MYH9 gene in Gallus gallus (Chicken)

  1. Find the MYH9 (myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle) gene in the chicken reference, and go to the Gene tab.
    • On which chromosome and which strand of the genome is this gene located?
    • Which transcript produces the longest protein and how long is the protein sequence?
  2. What are some functions of MYH9 according to the Gene Ontology consortium? Have a look at the GO pages for this gene.

  3. In the transcript table, click on the transcript ID for MYH9-209, and go to the Transcript tab.
    • How many exons does it have?
    • Are any of the exons completely or partially untranslated?
    • Is there an associated sequence in UniProt? Have a look at the General identifiers for this transcript.
  4. Are there microarray (oligo) probes that can be used to monitor ENSGALT00010036169.1 expression?
  1. Go to the Ensembl homepage. Select Chicken from the drop-down list in the blue box, enter MYH9 and click Go. In the search results page, click on Chicken reference in the left-hand panel to restrict your results to the reference genome only. Click on the first hit MYH9 (Chicken Gene, Breed: reference) to open the Gene tab. Look at the Location section in the gene summary at the top of the page.

    The gene is located on chromosome 1 on the forward strand.

    Now click on the Show transcript table button and focus on the Protein column in the Transcript table.

    The transcript ENSGALT00010036169.1 (MYH9-209) produces the longest protein at 1,960 amino acid residues.

  2. Gene Ontology maps terms to a protein in three classes: biological process, cellular component, and molecular function.

    Meiotic spindle organisation, cell morphogenesis, and angiogenesis are some of the roles associated with the MYH9 gene.

  3. Click on ENSGALT00010036169.1 in the Transcript table to open the corresponding Transcript tab. Look at the About this transcript section in the transcript summary at the top of the page.

    The transcript has 41 exons.

    Click on the Exons link in the left-hand side menu. In the Sequence column of the Exon table, look for any UnTranslated Regions (UTRs) which coloured in orange.

    Exon 1 is completely untranslated, and exons 2 and 41 are partially untranslated. You can also see this in the cDNA view if you click on Sequence: cDNA in the left-hand menu.

    Click on External References: General identifiers in the left-hand menu. Look for UniProtKB in the External database column.

    A0A1D5PM19.34 from UniProt matches the translation of the Ensembl transcript. Click on A0A1D5PM19.34 to open the corresponding UniProt entry in a new browser tab.

  4. In the left-hand menu, look for External References: Oligo probes.

    There are probes from Affy and Agilent that can be used to monitor expression of this transcript.