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Gallus gallus (Chicken) breeds

  1. Which Gallus gallus (Chicken) breeds are available?

  2. When was the genebuild of the Reg Jungle fowl last updated?

  1. On the Ensembl homepage, select Chicken from the drop-down species list, or click on View full list of all Ensembl species and click on Chicken from the table to go to the species information page. Under the Genome assembly section, click on View list of breeds.

    Two additional Chicken breeds are available: White leghorn layer and Red Jungle fowl.

  2. On the Ensembl homepage, click on View full list of all Ensembl species. Search for Red Jungle fowl and open the species information page. Click on More information and statistics under the Genome assembly section. In the right-hand panel under Summary, look for **Genebuild last updated/patched.

    The genebuild for Red Jungle fowl was last updated in January 2022.