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Adding Wiggle files to Ensembl Bacteria

Upload the GD_wiggle.wig file to the Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PA1 5 (GCA_000021325) genome in Ensembl Bacteria. View this track across the region Chromosome:2884000-2898000. What is the highest score in this region?

Go to Ensembl Bacteria and put Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PA1 5 into the Search for a genome box. Select Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PA1 5 (GCA_000021325) to go to the species homepage.

Select Display your data in Ensembl Bacteria to get to the custom track menu. Select Choose file and select the file location. The file type should be automatically selected. Click Add data.

Click on the Nearest region with data in the results page. From the region page you reach, put the coordinates Chromosome:2884000-2898000 into the Location box to jump to the region.

The highest score is 99 and it overlaps the ACI52364 transcript.