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Ensembl Fungi: variation data in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial genome

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Ensembl Fungi: variation data in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial genome

In Ensembl Fungi, retrieve the variation ID, chromosome name, position in bp and alleles for all sequence variants in the mtDNA. Export the results as an XLS table and have the results sent to you by email.

Go to BioMart. You can find a shortcut on the navigation bar at the top of any Ensembl Fungi page.

  1. Choose your dataset: select Variation and then Saccharomyces cerevisiae short variants from the drop-down menus.

  2. Open Filters in the left-hand panel, expand REGION then select Chromosome/scaffold: Mito.

  3. Open Attributes in the left-hand panel, expand VARIANT ASSOCIATED INFORMATION, then select Variant Alleles in addition to the pre-selected attributes.

  4. Hit Results in the top left-hand corner to see a preview table. At the top of the results page, select Export all results to, choose Compressed web file (notify by email) then choose xls as the file type. Input your email address then hit Go. You will receive your results by email.